Friday, May 12, 2006

just arrived in Kansai

So I just got off the plane from SFO and I am starting to realize just how screwed I am going to be. I watched Lost in Translation on the ride over (thanks Wilsey Ham for the gift) and I am already starting to totally sympathize with Bill Murray's character. Even when people are speaking English to me I am not 100% sure what they are asking me. For example my guide who is totally fluent in English asked me if I had met my cousin before coming on the trip. I replied of course he is my cousin and I have known him all my life. She replied with, "no did you meet up with him before you went on this trip." Also she asked me something else where the L's and R's were totally mixed up and I had no idea what she was asking me. If you havent seen the movie watch it again and think about me being Bill Murray. Maybe I'll get lucky and find Scarlett Johannson to hang out with.

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Blogger Jeremiah Owyang said...


Lisa, Shirley, Jessica and I are still planning to come out, were getting some quotes from the travel agent, as we'll be coming from Hong Kong. Wow it's really expensive.

Here's what he wrote me:

* Northwest does not fly into Osaka (about 300 miles from Narita (the airport in Tokyo.
* There is a $135 stopover + Japan Travel Tax if you decide to stop in Japan
* The Bullet train is around $550-600 roundtrip per person
* The best airfare that I could obtain (Narita to Osaka) is around $375-400 roundtrip per person.

3:08 AM  

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